Meteoroloska Stanica METEOTIME DUO
Prema standardima Svetske meteorološke organizacije (WMO), podrucje na kojem se obavljaju meteoroloska merenja i osmatranja naziva se meteoroloska stanica. Krug meteoroloske stanice mora biti postavljen sto dalje od znacajnijih objekata zbog sve jaceg uticaja gradske sredine na meteoroloske parametre, pa je potrebno stanicu postaviti na nekom reprezentativnom mestu koje ce sto realnije prikazati vreme i klimu posmatranog podrucja. Meteoroloski krug treba da moze da bude tokom celog dana obasjan Suncem a u krugu se postavlja meteoroloska kucica unutar koje se nalaze odredjeni merni instrumenti, dok se ostale potrebne stvari za merenje i osmatranje nalaze uglavnom pored nje – a mogu biti i dalje od nje, ali obavezno u sklopu meteoroloskog kruga, ili tzv. osmatrackog polja.
Neki instrumenti se smeštaju i unutar same zgrade meteorološke stanice (barometar, kao i grafovi anemometra), kako bi osmatrac ocitavao vrednosti.
Meteoroloska Stanica METEOTIME DUO
Weather forecast via DCF signal made by professional meteorologists for 470 cities (90 meteorological weather regions) in Europe, 60 regions with 4 days forecast (today + 3 days), 30 regions with 2 days forecast, separated into day and night with expected highest and lowest temperatures, text display for critical weather situations, rain/snow/hail probability, wind velocity and direction, time for sun rising and setting, radio controlled clock with date, local measuring values via sensors wireless transmission of outdoor temperature and humidity (max. 100 m), rainfall quantity, wind velocity and direction (max. 30 m), indication of indoor temperature and humidity with comfort level, absolute and relative atmospheric pressure with 24 hours history, bar graph indication of atmospheric pressure, temperature or humidity of the last 24 hours, indication of moon phase, Windchill factor and dew point, programmable alarm functions like temperature alarm, storm warning, maximum and minimum values, data memory for 3000 weather records, PC-interface with analysis software package, LED backlight with light sensor (in continuous operation with power adapter)
Range: T in: -10…+60°C, T out: -40…+60°C , H in/out: 1…99%
T/H-transmitter: 30.3150 (max. 5), 2 x 1,5 V AA batteries included
W/Solar-transmitter: 30.3168, 2 x 1,5 V AA batteries included